Valentine Goddard

Founder and Executive Director of AI Impact Alliance

Valentine Goddard is a lawyer and a leading expert on the ethical and social implications of artificial intelligence (AI). She is also the founder and executive director of AI Impact Alliance. She founded and is the chief architect of AI on a Social Mission, AI Impact Alliance’s flagship yearly conference. Since 2017, her organization facilitates workshops aimed at supporting an inclusive dialogue on issues related to the social implementation and governance of AI. She is also regularly invited to speak at various conferences on AI’s ethical and social impact.

She is a member of the United Nation’s Expert Group on the Role of Public Institutions on the Impact of New Technology, IEEE’s Ethic Certification Program for Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (ECPAIS) and a founding member of the International Observatory on the Ethical and Societal Impacts of AI and Digital (OAISAID).

Over the course of her career, as a jurist and certified mediator, she has practiced refugee, labour, social and administrative law in addition to lobbying for a better access to justice. She has taught comparative law in Japan and initiated cultural mediation projects aimed at human rights education. As a visual artist, she has explored themes of transparency in her painting, photography and analog film. In short, human dignity is at the heart of her multidisciplinary approach to nurturing the development of AI for Social Good.