Jérôme Laviolette

  • Jérôme Laviolette

Ph.D. Student at Polytechnique Montréal Chaire Mobilité

Jérôme Laviolette holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Polytechnique Montréal and a master’s degree (M.Sc.A) in civil engineering – transport orientation completed under the direction of professors Catherine Morency and Nicolas Saunier. His master’s degree focused on the development of indicators for monitoring and planning the supply and demand of taxi trips in Montreal.

Since September 2017, he has been one of the first three scholarship recipients of the David Suzuki Fellowship Scholarship Program. As a guest researcher in this program, he focused on the psychosocial aspects of self-solo addiction and on ways to bring about changes in the perception of the car’s place in the world. city ​​to support a transition to sustainable mobility.

In May 2018, he began a Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering under the direction of Professors Catherine Morency and Owen Waygood at Polytechnique Montréal. His research project focuses on the influence of new mobility offerings on household motorization and levers to help households rethink their need for car ownership.